With Zodiac signs and birthstones, May is the month of Green Crystals such as Emeralds and Chrysoprase.
August is the month of Peridot which has a lime green coloration.

Green is the color of positive energy, well-being, and the abundance found in nature.
It inspires harmony, and balance, and its emotional energy runs high.
Green crystals and stones affect humans by raising their connection with both nature and self.
It energizes us and raises our vibration giving us energy.
Green crystals are used when an energetic shift is needed.
Green empowers, uplifts, transforms, and promotes new beginnings.
If you are suffering from a lack of energy, peace, or vibrating in a low emotional state, you need more green crystals in your life.
In lighter shades of green, a strong connection between you and the environment will form.
This is the color of connection to self, love for nature, and a caring sense for all that exists on Earth.
Green is a soothing color, useful to calm feelings of emotional imbalance.
Green is a comforting crystal color that elevates your meditation practice.
In darker shades, green is a powerful earthy color.
Dark green stones are filled with positive energy and are crystals for balance and harmony.
Strong, deep feelings of connection with all that is living are often experienced when using a deep-green crystal
The green stones are very useful for increasing abundance and creating successful opportunities and partnerships in life.
Green Crystals Meaning
Light Green: growth, vibrance, harmony, and opportunity.
Green: action, conviction, courage, drive, energy, fearlessness, fortitude, inner strength, increased self-worth, and success in exploring the unknown.
Dark green: richness to life, an abundance mindset, and luck and prosperity.
Green Crystals include:
- Jade
- Green Calcite
- Moldavite
- Green Quartz
- Malachite
- Green Tourmaline
- Emerald
- Green Jasper
- Chrysoprase
- Green Fluorite
- Amazonite
- Green Agate
- Peridot
- Green Onyx
- Green Aventurine
- Green Magnesite