Let’s discuss which crystals are best for having more patience and how to use them.
Crystals work best when you trust in their abilities and shift your focus into the present moment.
Best Healing Crystals for Patience
These crystals possess a tremendous amount of spiritual energy.
Danburite is a powerful stone for entering a higher state of consciousness where you’re more likely to experience feeling patient.

This is one of the best stones to use while meditating in a serene space as it invites patience into your mind and body.
Enter an emotional state of peace and serenity with danburite.
It’s the best crystal for you to use when stress & anxiety are controlling your energy.
“Having this crystal present during an oracle deck reading is a common use of this crystal.”
You’ll receive the spiritual guidance you’ve been looking for to calm your emotions!
Enter into a meditative state of peace and serenity to maximize its powerful effects prior to tapping into its life guidance.
Let soothing emotions enter your body and settle your overactive mind.
Chakras Activated
The third eye and crown chakras are activated with the use of danburite crystal.
This is one of the most calming stones for you to possess.
Howlite is the one crystal you’ll want to place under your pillow if you’re looking to catch up on some sleep.

It’s recommended to enter into an emotional state of gratitude prior to placing this crystal under your pillow to optimize its calming properties.
Use Howlite in tandem with cord-cutting ritual ceremonies to cut your emotional ties to past traumas or events in your life that ignite negative emotions.
If you’re not manifesting someone or something yet and are beginning to feel a sense of urgency or self-doubt is quickly entering your mind, turn to howlite for help and guidance.
Howlite crystals have the properties that invite love to chase you through a boost in confidence and self-compassion!
Chakras Activated
Howlite activates the third eye chakra and crown chakra.
Green Tourmaline
Feeling impatient?
Consider using green tourmaline to relieve that stress and anxiety!
This healing crystal removes the stress of anticipation and desire and replaces it with comfort, patience, and trust that the universe has your back.
Using this stone invites feelings of self-compassion and patience and boosts self-confidence.
Green Tourmaline is a powerful crystal for creating faith in the unseen.
This crystal replaces feelings of lack and separation with feelings of wholeness and oneness.
Use green tourmaline to create an energetic shift to move into alignment with your deepest desires.

This crystal has the ability to move you from one vibrational state to another easier than if you had done it all on your own.
It’s common to hear effective use of green tourmaline from those who tend to overthink and procrastinate.
Chakras Activated
Green tourmaline quickly opens up the heart chakra.
How to Use Healing Crystals for Patience
Crystals for patience can be used most effectively in one of these three ways:
- For patience during meditation practice.
- Under a pillow to get a deeper sleep.
- To decrease the stress of the unseen.
1. Meditation
If you’re laying on your back during meditation then place these crystals either just above your eyebrow or above your head (crown chakra).
These crystals can also be held in your hand during a guided meditation or upright meditation.
You’ll find yourself not “forcing” your meditation practice enough and will instead allow thoughts to flow through you as opposed to resisting them.
2. Sleep
What holds many of us back from enjoying a restful sleep is by allowing our focus to drift off to our to-do list for the following day.
These crystals for patience invite you to patiently await tomorrow and enjoy celebrating the joy found within your today.
When you’re ready to sleep, sleep.
When it’s time to work, is when you should work.
Don’t think about work when it’s time to sleep.
3. Stress
We often stress about our future when all we ever have is the present moment.
The crystals recommended for patience invite you to bring yourself back to the present moment when your focus wanders off into the future.
Additional Crystals for Patience to Consider
- Blue lace agate
- Moss agate
- Petrified wood
- Watermelon tourmaline
- Green jade
- Green aventurine
- Black tourmaline
- Mookaite
- Dumortierite
- Amber
- Quartz
Action Steps
The key to becoming more patient lies within you.
Allow these crystals for patience to assist you on your journey to peace, patience, serenity, and bliss.
If you’re a beginner just getting started with crystals, consider taking one of the following next steps:
- Shop our crystals and find a crystal for patience that speaks to you.
- Join our crystals clear community to meet like-minded people!
- Jump on our email list by simply clicking the link below.
Thanks so much for your time and of course “your patience.“
I couldn’t help myself on that one. 🙂